The Impact it Could Have on COVID-19

Submitted by Sharon D. Davidson, CVA, BBH Senior Director of Community Engagement

Big Bend Hospice teamed up with Pilot Club Tallahassee and the Florida Peanut Federation to provide 15 dozen cases of peanut butter to Franklin Promise’s food pantry. The pantry is located at the Community Service Center in Apalachicola and is open on Tuesdays from 9 am until noon.

The strength of this partnership created an opportunity to donate an abundant supply of a product often scarce in most food pantries – protein. Limited income can equate to limited food choices. Starches are cheap. Protein, fruits, and vegetables are costlier than bread, rice, and potatoes. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to see those on food assistance programs also struggling with obesity.

Obesity is linked to impaired immune function. The CDC has reported obesity can increase the risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and may triple the risk of hospitalization due to a COVID-19 infection.

One of Pilot Tallahassee’s primary focus is to care for and support families in times of need which is why members reached out to the Peanut Federation. The club received enough peanut butter donations to distribute to multiple food banks in the big bend. Sharon Davidson, Senior Director of Community Engagement for Big Bend Hospice and a Pilot Tallahassee member coordinated the contribution to Franklin Promise. “I knew the impact this donation could make in Franklin county based on our experiences serving patients and families in the area,” says Davidson.

Pilot members also provided the staff at Franklin Promise with a “Pick Me Up” basket of treats. This is their way of showing appreciation to those who care for others. Davidson added, “A friend of mine often says we are stronger when we work together, and this partnership demonstrated that strength.”